Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wild Rush Week 31

The three of us are 31 weeks this week! The baby is totally wound up today - hicups, lunges, giggles, pokes and jabs, you name it - she's up to it! We also just got our seed trays in today, so flower seed sowing will begin this weekend! YAY! We're all getting excited for another ultra-sound next week, and a doubling in weight (for her, not me!) in the next 8 weeks! Jonathan has been extremely busy working on our property! He's been digging trenches for irrigation and electric, working with contractors for dirt work and seeding (lawn and pasture), and been out until after dark with his shovel and headlamp every night! We have also been blessed to have some time to work on the baby room, and also to spend visits with Grandma and Grandpa Rush. I've just been working like crazy at the zoo for the past month, and the fruits are showing with the amount of amazing volunteers we have committed to our programs! We will take a BIG sigh of relief once April comes (bring a Rosy for April fools?!?!). Much love!

1 comment:

Greg said...


How are you feeling? I can't believe you guys are getting so close to being parents! I'm really excited for you and can't wait to meet your little one!

I tried giving you a call the other day, were you able to get my message? I'd love to visit and catch up with you sometime...

Miss you!

Greg and Chris