Wednesday, January 14, 2009

the Mainland, once again

Tegucigalpa thinks, San Pedro Sula works, and La Ceiba parties

Our time on the islands was wonderful, relaxing, and beautiful! We enjoyed much sun and snorkeling with Nick and Autumn. We had brick oven pizza, fresh fish, and Salva Vida! Our favorite day was when we rented two scooters and cruised across the length of Roatan! It was so fun to see he Carribean on both sides as we scooted the ridges of the tropical island. There was one place called, ¨the View¨that was incredible for seeing the barrier reef that runs the length of the North Coast, the waters were aqua and there were lots of cool trees, palm, coconut, papaya, mango, sea grape, and fig!

Finally the sad time came for Nick and Autumn to head back to the states. We shared a 5.30am breakfast of banana pancakes (which Jonathan has mastered) and sent them on their way with love and hugs! We got new roomies, two girls from the states, and also made friends with another couple at Chilies that we shared a meal with. The most interesting friend we made was a woman in her 70´s named Jeannette. She found us on the beach, learned that we loved the Lord and were from Idaho, and she instantly adopted us, telling us of her life story and the stories of her children. Sadly enough, her son died at 18 while working for a greenhouse company in Boise! She invited us to her house, which we found after much hiking that afternoon. She had our whole visit planned out, from which hammock we sat on, to what we were going to sing together, to what she had printed for us to discuss, and even an article on why not to use microwaves! It was quite a different way to spend an afternoon, but we look back on that time as a divine appointment for some reason unknown to us. We even spent the next morning reading the book she had authored about her life and family.

After Nick & Autumn left, the sun went with them. We saw a lot of overcast skies and plenty of spastic downpours, so after two more days we decided to leave Roatan. We arrived in La Cieba yesterday afternoon on an incredible ferry the Galaxy Wave (1hr and 15mins totally flew by)! We were trying to get to this wildlife refuge called Cuero y Salado. After a taxi ride, a closed and moved office building, and many confusing conversations in Spanish, we found ou how to get there (it´s going to be a journey!) and that we wouldn´t make it yesterday. So we were escorted by a guy on the street to Hotel Caribe. Four cement walls up a scary barred staircase for $12 per night. We have spent the past day walking through the city, buying produce for our time at the refuge, ducking under overhangs during the heavy rains, and practicing our spanish trying to buy a new digital camera. Jonathan has cut his baseball Morgan´s shirt from mom, and it now shows his buff arms, so we haven´t had any trouble in the city!

We are so glad that we have another week here in Honduras! Our Spanish is improving as well as our courage! (Actually last night was the only night I was scared, bu Jonathan wasn´t a bit nervous, oh, and we joined a few teenagers watching the movie 13 Going on 30! That made me feel a little more comfortable.) We are having a blast, and miss our family and friends very much! Sorry still no pics, hopefully Nick and Autumn are home safe and will post some soon! Much love and thanks to God for leading us on! J&C

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