Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 24 and Prego Floato H2O!

What a wonderful week it has been! We (the babe and I) started water aerobics for preggers and it's been quite a blast! We work hard on core strengthening, upper and lower body conditioning, and cardio. You should see us pregos bobbing around the deep end on our noodles. I feel at home again in my body while in the water! Our baby just kicks all night long, even though I'm exhausted at the end of the day because she's like, "C'mon Mom! I do water aerobics all day long... keep up!" The other night it was really cool because she was sticking way out and Jonathan had already fallen asleep, so I spent about 5 mins giving her a back rub. I think she liked it. Tomorrow is week 5 of our super cool Calvary Chapel baby class, and we're watching "The Happiest Baby on the Block" - which we hear is awesome. So g!Mammy and g!Pappy are coming along for the ride! One thing to keep in prayer is for the mission team that has been arrested in Haiti. The 5 are from our church at Central Valley, and we are in constant prayer for them - as well as our pastors who have been up all hours this week with the media. Okay - now for a little SuperBowl induced sleep before another big week of Zooey Volunteer recruitment! Good night.


Ian and Vanessa said...

Yay for prego water aerobics- how fun are you guys!! I was only able to get in a pool once when I was pregnant (a couple days before my due date) and it was such a great feeling to be weight free. Good for you sissy!

Anonymous said...

You look Beautiful Court! xoxo!